Walden Pond Contact Sheet   (2004)

As I returned through Hosmer’s field, the sun was setting just beneath a black cloud by which it had been obscured, and as it had been a cold and windy afternoon, its light, which fell suddenly on some white pines between me and it, lighting them up like a shimmering fire, and also on the oak leaves and chestnut stems, was quite a circumstance. It was from the contrast between the dark and comfortless afternoon and this bright and cheerful light, almost fire. The eastern hills and woods, too, were clothed in a still golden light.The light of the setting sun, just emerged from a cloud and suddenly falling on and lighting up the needles of the white pine between you and it, after a raw and louring afternoon near the beginning of winter, is a memorable phenomenon.

from Thoreau’s Journal; November 21, 1851


I have been surveying for twenty or thirty days, living coarsely – indeed, leading a quite trivial life; and tonight, for the first time, had made a fire in my chamber and endeavored to return to myself. I wished to ally myself to the powers that rule the universe. I wished to dive into some deep stream of thoughtful and devoted life, which meandered through retired and fertile meadows far from towns. I wished to do again, or for once, things quite congenial to my highest inmost and most sacred nature, to lurk in crystalline thought like the trout under verdurous banks, where stray humankind should only see my bubble come to the surface. I wished to live, ah! as far away as a man can think. I wished for leisure and quiet to let my life flow in its proper channels, with its proper currents; when I might not waste the days, might establish daily prayer and thanksgiving in my family; might do my own work and not the work of Concord or Carlisle, which would yield me better than money…Nothing is so sure to make itself known as the truth, for what else waits to be known?

from Thoreau’s Journal;  December 12, 1851


November 17, 2024

06  Concord Unitarian Church 

07  Emerson’s House

08  Emerson’s White Picket Fence

11 Thoreau’s Cabin  (model)

12 Thoreau’s Cabin  (model)

13 Walden Pond

“needles…”    (2024)

“needles, moss and rock”   (2024)

“needles, moss and bark”   (2024)

“white pine and needles on top”    (2024)

View of the Meduxnekeag River on November 25, 2024

One thought on “Backwoods Blog .175

  1. Martha and I have both left the woods and the lake to go south to South Portland, our winter camp. I miss the woods and Meduxnekeag lake just as Thoreau (and you) miss the woods and (Meduxnekeag) river. We can look out our back slider and see a few maples that we tap in the spring, but it ain’t woods. Down here, the only way to escape the news of the day is to keep the TV, or even Public Radio, off. Denial, ostriching, whatever it takes. The woods is a far better option.

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