Isolation Blues .31

THANKSGIVING The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 Here is a photo I took earlier this morning of the icy Meduxnekeag on the day before Thanksgiving. This shot is taken looking upstream as you can see the oxbow taking an extreme bend…

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Isolation Blues .30

DRIVING LESSON The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 My grandfather, George Hutchinson Sr., was born in 1870 and was almost 60 years old before he ever attempted to drive an automobile. He grew up in an American era when horse…

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Isolation Blues .29

RUBBER BOOTS The Isolation blues; reflections during covid-19 When I was nine years old I worked my first job, picking potatoes on our family farm. With my paycheck I still remember one of the things I most wanted to purchase; a…

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Isolation Blues .28

GET OUT THE VOTE The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 In the years that followed it became fashionable, even mandatory, to speak of the “failure” of the Great Society. But the Great Society did not fail. It was abandoned. The…

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Isolation Blues .27

SKY GAZING The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 early days of autumn the early days of autumn  are a mild marker of hard change just ahead we know what that means and even when you know it’s coming it doesn’t…

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Isolation Blues .26

PORTLAND FOUNDRY COOKSTOVE The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 The last two months I’ve been “wooding-it” around our place; the practice of splitting, stacking and organizing the wood supply for the upcoming heating season. In our case that’s only about 4…

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Isolation Blues .25

SQUIRREL WARS The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 Our farmhouse is located just up the hill from the cabin and sits in the middle of three and a half acres of Norway spruce trees (picea abies) planted back in 1988 by…

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Isolation Blues .24

ROGUE BEAVER DAMN The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 The beaver have damned the river again by our place on the north branch. (This is not the first time.) It seems to make no difference that their overly ambitious plans…

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Isolation Blues .23

FEAR AND LOATHING The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 Well…shit, what can I say? Objective journalism is a hard thing to come by these days. We all yearn for it, but who can point the way?  As for me, my doctor says…

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Isolation Blues .22

BLACK BEARS The Isolation Blues; reflections during covid-19 Linda and I were sitting at our little red bistro table in front of the house one evening a couple of weeks ago eating some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (Cherry Garcia,…

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