“big yellow”“the cabin”“backwoods fire pit”“north branch cabins”“squirrel-view inside the cabin”“squirrel-view .2 inside the cabin”
“portland foundry wood stove”
“big red”“backwoods privy” “self portrait”“lichen on compost bin”“sauna floor”“river float”“rock show”“rock show .2”“rock show .3”“big pink”“winter fuel”“reading a poem written by a friend…”“farmhouse glads”“farmhouse iris”“wood art” (This is one piece of wood after several failed attempts in the wood splitter…)“wood art .2”“wood art .3”“rope bridge”“rope bridge and sauna”“coffee bum on the road…”“coffee bum on the road…2”“coffee bum on the road…3”“trestle and sky”“trestle and sky” (alternate take)“trestle and sky” (alternate take 2)“wood stove front”“wood stove back”